Dr. Kami Maddocks: Ibrutinib Withdrawal 'Bittersweet'

By Chadi Nabhan, MD, MBA, FACP, Kami Maddocks, MD - Last Updated: November 16, 2023

In this episode of The HemOnc Pulse, Dr. Maddocks, Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine in the Division of Hematology at the Ohio State University, charts the treatment evolution of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) from frontline therapy to future directions. She also discusses challenges in frontline therapy with Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitors and subsequent relapse treatment options.

In addition, Dr. Maddocks shares why she was initially shocked by the withdrawal of ibrutinib from the market in light of its impactful history in saving lives during early trials. The drug was voluntarily withdrawn by manufacturers in consultation with the FDA in April 2023.

“We saw the drug in phase I trials, we saw patients [who] were going to die, and it saved their life. Then it’s gone, and it’s shocking,” she explained on the episode.

Yet, Dr. Maddocks acknowledged the evolution in treatment with the advent of newer, potentially safer options.

“I think it also speaks to the progress we’re making now,” Dr. Maddocks said. “There are two second-generation BTK inhibitors that … appear to be equally efficacious, at least, and have a better safety profile in other randomized trials. I think that is a good thing.”
