Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are rare cancers and include diseases of the blood and bone marrow. MPNs involve dysregulation at the multipotent hematopoietic stem cell (CD34). MPNs occur when the bone marrow produces too many red blood cells, platelets, or certain white blood cells. The primary subtypes include myelofibrosis, polycythemia vera, and essential thrombocythemia.
Discussing the evolving role of selinexor in treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms.
Watch as Dr. Viges and Dr. Mascarenhas explore strategies to enhance patient-centered care in MPN management.
Exploring the latest advancements in myelofibrosis research with Kapila Viges, MD and John Mascarenhas, MD.
Two experts discuss the role of surrogate end points in MPN clinical trials.
A new study has identified genetic factors that can affect the molecular pathways involved in treatment response.
A common treatment goal for polcythemia vera is to control HCT with therapy, phlebotomies, and cytoreductive therapies.
Issues addressed include mandatory versus optional biopsy, informed consent, and safety in both adult and pediatric patients.
VGT-1849A is aJAK2 inhibitor that is designed to have less off-target suppression of JAK1, JAK3, TYK2, and other kinases.
SURPASS-ET compared second-line treatment with ropeginterferon alfa-2b with anagrelide in patients with ET.
The panel moderated by Prithviraj Bose, MD, goes into detail on practical aspects of this agent's use in the clinic.
The expert panel moderated by Dr. Bose looks at noteworthy study work on use of this agent for anemia in myelofibrosis.
Empaneled experts describe their investigations of momelotinib in a continued discussion moderated by Prithviraj Bose, MD.
The expert panel moderated by Prithviraj Bose, MD, tells which research presented at the Meeting they found most exciting.
Esteemed experts provide valuable insights into the evolving myelofibrosis landscape and its implications for patient care.
Key takeaways from the top ASH abstracts in the myelofbrosis space.
A roundtable discussion starts with a conversation about the myelofibrosis treatment landscape.
An expert's insights on the latest advancements in MF treatment presented at the ASH 2024 meeting.
There may be a link between obesity and how myeloproliferative neoplasms develop, research shows.
Outcomes for patients with AML and MDS who experience relapse after alloHSCT are poor.
Overall, fedratinib 400 mg daily was a safe MTD for post-HSCT maintenance therapy for participants with MPN.
Discussing current clinical trials iand unmet needs in myelofibrosis.
Interim results suggest acceptable safety and high efficacy of CPX-351 plus ivosidenib.
Findings suggest a potential metabolic benefit of pacritinib, warranting further investigation in myelofibrosis.
The PROMise trial aims to examine the safety and preliminary efficacy of OPN-2853 with ruxolitinib for MF treatment.
HMA plus venetoclax may achieve higher response rates and improve event-free survival in high-risk MDS.
In a murine mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase knockdown model of low-risk MDS luspatercept alleviated anemia.
Odyssey is an ongoing, open-label, phase 2 study that will assess the benefit of adding luspatercept to momelotinib.
At ASH 2024, updated results of the RESTORE trial were presented.
These real-world findings highlight momelotinib as an effective and practical treatment for managing MF in everyday practice
BOREAS is the first global phase 3 study to demonstrate clinical efficacy of a single-agent treatment for r/r myelofibrosis.
Hypomethylating agents, such as azacitidine, are the standard-of-care treatment for MDS.
John Masarenhas discussed the development of the human telomerase inhibitor imetelstat for the treatment of myelofibrosis.
Improvements in the frequency of transfusions and of anemia symptoms are interventional priorities for myelofibrosis.
A phase 2 trial showed selinexor was well tolerated, and further studies are investigating its efficacy in other MF settings.
Ruxolitinib is the standard of care for patients with MF; however, it does not address the significant anemia burden.
A retrospective, real-world analysis shows momelotinib reduces anemia in patients with myelofibrosis.
A phase 1/2a study is investigating the safety and efficacy of PXS-5505 in myelofibrosis.
What potential does ASTX727 have in MDS and AML treatment?
Ivosidenib is a promising oral therapy for patients with IDH1-mutated MDS.
HOPE-PMF will recruit 150 participants with prefibrotic PMF or PMF at low or intermediate-1 risk.
Study findings indicate that allo-HSCT may offer a potentially curative treatment for high-risk BP-MF patients.
The safety was improved and the symptom burden of MF was reduced and remarked that the high burden of inflammation.
Benefits were observed of flonoltinib maleate in myelofibrosis were observed regardless of prior JAK inhibitor exposure.
Harinder Gill, MBBS, MD et al deems bomedemstat/ruxolitinib safe and tolerable for second-line MDS treatment.
Patients in a phase 1 study saw remarkable symptom improvements with INCB057643 and tolerated treatment well.
Hispanic ethnicity and prior transplants mismatched unrelated donors were prognostic of worse outcomes in older MF patients.
A trial in progress, phase 3 IMpactMF trial, investigates the encouraging efficacy/safety of imetelstat in MF.
Pacritinib demonstrated superiority to best available therapy for spleen volume reduction, total symptom score, and more.
Patients with splenomegaly are more likely to be referred for HSCT.
Selinexor plus ruxolitinib was well tolerated, reduced symptom burden, and led to spleen volume reduction.
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